There are situations, such as a complete system hangs or failure of any features, the only option to return a device to the life is hard reset ellipsis 7 tablet.
Recovery menu
Hard reset ellipsis 7 tablet is performed from a special Android system recovery menu. To start this menu you need to press a special key combination. In most cases, it needs to simultaneously press the decrease volume button and power button, and hold them until your tablet starts.
When Android recovery menu is displayed, you must find «wipe data / factory reset», select it, and confirm your choice by clicking «Yes – delete all user data». After restarting your Android tablet return to the original settings.
You should use this method in extreme cases – when other methods do not help, or when you sale your device.
How to hard reset ellipsis 7 tablet
If you are using a tablet for a long time, the system can accumulate a lot of errors, because of which may appear different software “bugs”. The easiest way to solve errors is to restore the factory settings with the help of hard reset ellipsis 7 tablet.
Enter “Backup & reset” (found in “Settings” menu), where you need to select “Factory data reset” and confirm your choice by selecting “Erase All“. Then the system returns to the original settings.
Please note that after hard reset ellipsis 7 tablet, all data will be deleted. So it is reasonable to make a backup and check whether all the valuable information stored.
How to recover data after hard reset ellipsis 7 tablet
If you want to recover data after hard reset, you must synchronize your tablet with Google account. To do this, in the menu item “Backup & reset” is necessary to activate “Data Copy” and “Automatic restore” by placing a checkmark in corresponding items. As a result the information from all applications and user data will be duplicated on Google account. And for their recovery you need to enter your name and password, download information and android recovery will start automatically.
my tablet has foreign words like Chinese on it cant get out of it wont charge need help asap cant figure out how to reset it
my tablet has Chinese words on it I cant get it to reset are charge need help asap