The story about limiting the flying DJI drones that become more and more interesting in America, and we have no doubt it will be very quickly transferred to the European market.
In the past year alone and are witnesses to the increasing popularity of flying DJI drones that have become affordable to everyone. For less than $ 100 you can get a “flying machine” that can fly in height and tens of meters distance, to those more powerful machines from a few hundred dollars, and flying a few hundred meters away and a very, very high. The question is to be sure that these drones and some laws.
It began massive use of flying DJI drones in the US
At first, because it is not even there. Only when it began massive use of flying DJI drones in the US, the agency decided to regulate their flight, among them, is the loudest and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). One of the leading manufacturers of flying DJI drones, created something called Geospatial Environment Online (GEO), which is actually special software that will control where you can fly, or even better to say – where you cannot.
First of all, it refers to the airport, but we are sure that he will not stop there. We find that the FAA agency decided to register all owners of drones to help identify their owners… and probably punish the earliest opportunity in the event of an incident…
For now, the story revolves in America, but do not worry – it will quickly these things come to Europe. Do you have a flying DJI drones? Then reckon with the new legislation that will come very soon…
Source: DJI
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