Microsoft has unveiled six months ago Lumia 535. In the US smartphone went on sale recently, where he received a beautifully designed page on the official website of the store. Just beautiful design could not hide the embarrassing mistake - on one of the images shows Lumia 535 running the Android-app Vine. … [Read more...] about MICROSOFT IN STORE FOR LUMIA 535 flaunts ANDROID
Trago – And the bottle can be smart!
Startups say: not just a plate can be clever. Smart-function, they decided to use and more efficient use of water, which is especially important now, at a time of holidays and refreshing cocktails. On Kickstarter almost simultaneously opened two projects dedicated to "smart" bottles. The possibilities that these gadgets are and why they are more convenient conventional sports capacities? … [Read more...] about Trago – And the bottle can be smart!
When there was BUDGET IPHONE?
A source close to Apple, said that the company does not intend to abandon the release of the iPhone with a screen diagonal of 4 inches. Chinese AUO Optronics will be one of the suppliers of screens for new budget smartphone. In the process of the release will also be involved, and other Chinese, Taiwanese and South Korean companies. … [Read more...] about When there was BUDGET IPHONE?
BATTERISER: ONE battery replaced EIGHT
Bob Roohparvar, Ph.D., a specialist in electronics and power management, has invented a simple and effective gadget that is capable of eight times increase the life of every single battery. According to the developer, in the US use Batteriser will save up to 3.4 billion. Dollars annually. … [Read more...] about BATTERISER: ONE battery replaced EIGHT
MEIZU MX5: «frameless” LEADER in the metal case
In recent years, the Chinese Meizu greatly added to the rates. Just in September, was presented to the flagship of the Meizu MX4 (Overview), in November, the audience saw an advanced version MX4 Pro (review), and in December, the company demonstrated an inexpensive planshetofon m1 note , which in January was smaller version of the Meizu m1. Today, the manufacturer announced a new gadget Meizu m2 note. But that's not all. The Network's flagship flowed renders Meizu MX5. … [Read more...] about MEIZU MX5: «frameless” LEADER in the metal case
PORTABLE OVEN ROCCBOX pizzas in 90 seconds
Tom Gozni, an engineer from Hampshire created the first portable oven that allows to cook a pizza and a half minutes. The device, which goes on sale in September for £ 350, will enable pizzerias offer customers not just fresh pizza delivered to your door, but cooked right in front of the customer. 10 minutes Roccbox heated to 500 degrees Celsius; this time enough to cut and arrange the ingredients on Korzh. Works furnace natural gas or wood - no microwave! … [Read more...] about PORTABLE OVEN ROCCBOX pizzas in 90 seconds
CH4 Tracker will monitor the daily allocated intestine gases
Healthy eating may bring you more happy moments, would allow to lead a more energetic lifestyle, but you suddenly towards the well-being stopped for thought, and what effect will the five daily intake of fruits and vegetables for everyone around you? … [Read more...] about CH4 Tracker will monitor the daily allocated intestine gases
Feelreal mask and helmet VR Nirvana allow gamers to smell and feel the motion
It seemed in the early stages of its creation is absolutely hopeless, the company has created a mask Feelreal virtual reality helmet that allows you to smell the virtual environment. The company claims that its device and stimulate the olfactory (smell) and tactile (touch) senses, thus immersing you into the virtual water fog or wind, or the battlefield. … [Read more...] about Feelreal mask and helmet VR Nirvana allow gamers to smell and feel the motion