The problem of power supply in many countries of the “Third World” – one of the most acute. For example, in African countries whole districts are still not connected to the centralized system of power, and the use of alternative energy sources is only dream. Startups in the UK decided to at least partially solve this problem. New lamp GL02, presented their works without fuel and solar cells; electrical connections it is also not required.
The secret of “gravitational light bulb” is simple: it is fixed on the wall or any other vertical surface and has a unit to which you want to attach a weight of 12 kg – for example, a bag of sand or stones, which, of course, even in the poorest African hut is easy to organize. If you need to turn on a light bulb, simply lift the bag on the maximum possible height. Gradually, he will go down, turning the unit and turning the potential energy into electricity.
Previously, startups have launched GL01, but the first version of the “gravitational light bulb” was not as bright and economical. Furthermore, GL02 stronger and can always illuminate the room while it is charged (optionally expend all energy at a time).
GL02 ensure and increase security. The fact is that in traditional African huts used kerosene lamps, which are often the cause of fires and burn out entire villages in a matter of hours. With GL02 on kerosene could be phased out – for African families is also a substantial cost savings. However, in other countries, “the gravitational light” will be relevant if shut off the light, you can always turn GL02, besides bleed the hand muscles.